Where does your food com...

Jan 02, 2012 Written by admin

Food is a great part of our lives, however most of the times we don’t know too much about where it comes from. I found this link with great and interesting facts about food: http://listverse.com/2007/12/17/top-10-incredible-food-facts/

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Category: Healthy Food
Tag: food, interesting facts, your food

How to test cooked poult...

Dec 27, 2011 Written by admin

If you are an experienced foodie, you know it takes some time to learn when a chicken or a turkey are properly cooked. I would like to share these incredible tips I found, that will help you turn a kitchen nightmare into a delightful dish: http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/techniques/testing_cooked_poultry

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Category: Healthy Food
Tag: chicken, cooked, Food Trends, turkey, turkey cooked

Eating right makes you s...

Dec 23, 2011 Written by admin

Did you know your IQ can be increased with proper exercise and healthy habits? A healthy diet provides nutrients that are vital in increasing and mantaining a healthy brain function. I found this interesting article about it:   http://www.naturalnews.com/034029_intelligence_brain_exercise.html

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Category: Healthy Food
Tag: Eating right makes you smarter, Food Trends

Do you eat for your skin...

Dec 22, 2011 Written by admin

What you eat has a strong and direct impact in the way your skin looks. Wheather you are a vegan or in a high-protein diet, this article will give you great tips to keep your skin glowing: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/01/04/diet.good.for.skin/index.html

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Category: Healthy Food
Tag: eat your skin, eating healthy, healthy recipes, what foods are good for your skin

Healthy Holiday Eating T...

Dec 20, 2011 Written by admin

The holidays are great, but sometimes we lose control of what we eat and we end up the first trimester of the following year trying to lose the extra pounds. Check out these 5 tips for Healthy Holiday Eating:http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/marni-wasserman/holiday-healthy-eating_b_1143461.html?ref=food&ir=Food

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Category: Healthy Food
Tag: eating healthy tips, healthy eating tips, healthy holiday recipes

How to choose the perfec...

Dec 14, 2011 Written by admin

How useful would be to know the perfect wine for every occasion? Starting a Wine Cellar would be a great way to meet all your wine needs and also expand your knowledge.http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203554104577003323882755872.html

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Category: Healthy Food
Tag: perfect wine, perfect wine glass, wine club

About Poached Eggs…

Dec 11, 2011 Written by admin

Are Poached Eggs one of your biggest fears? Believe it or not, it is for many people. You never want to make a mess of your perfect dish with the simple cracking of an egg. I found this useful article that will help you get over this fear, enjoy: http://www.npr.org/2011/11/29/142903042/cracking-the-poached-egg-code

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Category: Healthy Food
Tag: how to poach an egg, poach egg, poached egg recipe, Poached Eggs

A new idea for chicken

Dec 02, 2011 Written by admin

If you’re looking for a gourmet, delicious and fast recipe, this is the perfect choice for lunch or dinner. A different flavored chicken breast dish that you can accompanied with vegetables and your favorite wine: http://fortheloveofcooking-recipes.blogspot.com/2009/05/lemon-and-basil-chicken-breasts.html

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Category: Healthy Food
Tag: dinner ideas with chicken, new dinner ideas, quick meal ideas

5 Signs You’ve Picked ...

Nov 28, 2011 Written by admin

We don’t always get it right when picking a place to eat. Sometimes the look of the restaurant is more appealing than the actual food. To avoid unpleasant experiences read the full story here: http://www.foodandwine.com/blogs/mouthing-off/2011/8/25/5-signs-youve-picked-a-bad-restaurant

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Category: Healthy Food
Tag: Bad Restaurant, home cooking recipes