Supermarket Chicken with...

Nov 21, 2009 Written by admin

When in a rush, I admit it right here, sometimes I cheat . One of my favourite easy to do recipe is to get a store bought rotisserie chicken (we all know about them, the ones the supermarket make on site in the in-store rotisserie that truly lacks flavour). Add one cup of Chaloner Plum and […]

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Category: Rotisserie Chicken
Tag: bbq chicken, curry chicken recipe, orange chicken recipe, Plum and Onion

Stunning Cape Town

Nov 15, 2009 Written by admin

Cape Town exceeded my expectations beyond anything I could have imagined. Definately as beautiful as any of the famous favourite cities I’ve visited, including, Valdarno, in Toscana, Georgetown, Grand Cayman, East Hampton, New York, to name a few of my spots. The beach at Camps Bay is a must see, and the cape penninsula in […]

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Category: Best Trip
Tag: cape town tourism, one and only cape town, trip

BBQ Flavour Without the ...

Nov 15, 2009 Written by admin

Barbecue can mean two things to me, out on the deck with the family and some homemade sirloin burgers, or it can mean a developed flavor from wet and dry marinades or sauces. Barbecuing without the influence of marinades and sauces really means grilling to me. I know, your still doing it on the barbecue, […]

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Category: BBQ Flavour Food
Tag: BBQ Flavour, bbq grills, best grills, grills, Q Gourmet BBQ, Rar Bear

Quest for Cape Town’s ...

Nov 15, 2009 Written by admin

In 1993, I wrote a research paper with the opening statement: “This paper comes on the eve of profound political change in South Africa…” Advance 15 years and there are tremendous political changes here — good, bad and indifferent. However, my quest this time is not to investigate F.W. de Klerk’s government and the Apartheid […]

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Category: Fabulous Foods
Tag: Travel/Lifestyle

For the love of Saffron

Nov 15, 2009 Written by admin

Please store in cool dry place out of light for lasting freshness. Because of its expense, and intense flavour, very little saffron is required for culinary purposes. It can be crushed to a fine powder in a mortar and pestle. It is easier however, to steep the saffron in hot water— a pinch to a […]

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Category: Freshness
Tag: saffron, Spice

Mango & Chili Balsa...

Nov 15, 2009 Written by admin

Another fabulous Cape Town find or re-discovery is our popular Mango & Chilli Balsamic Vinegar from Verlaque.  I got a wonderful view of the factory where local woman make these decadent dressings by hand.  To see the stove where the process starts, through to the final application of the labels feels like its made in […]

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Category: Vinegar
Tag: Balsamic Vinegar, Travel/Lifestyle

Who is an Indulgent Food...

Nov 14, 2009 Written by admin

Indulgent Food. Life. Style. “A foodie is not just looking for expensive items, it’s the adventure, tasting, sharing…the entire culinary experience”. “I love what I do! I am passionate about food. It is so much more than the way I make a living. More accurately, it’s about the extraordinary people — the chefs, critics, artisans […]

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Category: Fabulous Foods
Tag: food catalogs, Indulgent Foodie, specialty meals

Perfect House Guest, wit...

Nov 11, 2009 Written by admin

It delights my heart to entertain. It’s how I got in the food business. I love guests. Especially ones that cook! Recently, my dear friend and Q Gourmet executive chef Ray Bear came to town for a business trip. My eagerness to host him had ulterior motives. I envisioned daily meals prepared by Ray, and […]

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Category: Food Business
Tag: Food Business, house guest rules, housegest

A new addiction

Nov 07, 2009 Written by admin

As of recently, I’ve developed an addiction. I drink at least three of four times a day. You should see what’s happening to me. Smoother, clearer skin and slight weight loss. Yes ladies, gentlemen, and those who have yet to decide: a water addiction. I have as many glasses as I can stand, sometimes flavoured […]

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Category: Developed an Addiction
Tag: addiction, new addiction, new life addiction, weight loss