Surprise, look what’s ...

Feb 10, 2009 Written by admin

Since breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I’ve decided to forgo the sole latte in favour of oatmeal. After trying a variety from Quaker, premium organic, and store brand instant, I’ve fallen for the Peaches and Cream Flavour Private Label brand. When warmed with milk the little pouch “made with whole grain […]

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Category: Healthy Meal
Tag: best instant oatmeal, instant oatmeal cookies, is instant oatmeal healthy, quaker instant oatmeal

Flavour Waves by Chef Ra...

Feb 06, 2009 Written by admin

Imagining flavour combinations is something we all do. Often when thinking of childhood favourites, peppermint and chocolate, root beer vanilla ice cream floats, or even condiments on a homemade burger, we can remember the experience of those textures and flavours and how they made us feel. The art of imagining flavour combinations in your mind […]

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Category: Gourmet Food
Tag: chef ray bear, Flavour Waves, personal chef vancouver

The Launch of Q – San ...

May 14, 2008 Written by admin

San Diego Fancy Food Show The show is usually held in San Francisco, San Diego was chosen for 2008. It was a smaller show than New York, but still had a great range of products from just about every corner of the world. Italy had the largest presence with wines, Serrano hams, cheese and every […]

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Category: Gourmet Food
Tag: BBQ, Launch, Products, Ray Bear, San Diego Dinner