Great flavors in small s...

Oct 25, 2011 Written by admin

Have you ever heard the expression “Great things come in small packages”? That’s the first that comes to my mind when thinking about shrimps and the variety of dishes that can be made with them. I wanted to share this simple but delicious idea that’s perfect for an entree, starter or hors de ouvre at […]

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Category: Healthy Food
Tag: baked shrimp, pasta with shrimp, recipes for shrimp, shrimp scampi pasta

The enticing aroma of te...

Sep 28, 2011 Written by admin

There are few things in life like the soothing and tranquilizing aroma of tea, especially after a stressful day – or just because you like the fabulousness of it. No wonder why in so many countries, tea turns into an aromatic and tasty party every afternoon. From Asian to European cafés, restaurants and even Super Markets; […]

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Category: Healthy Food
Tag: enticing aroma of tea, loose leaf tea, weight loss tea

Food is Necessary

Jul 02, 2010 Written by admin

I met someone the other day, who told me that she was trying to lose weight by starving herself to death; she had skipped breakfast and it was the middle of the afternoon.  Nearly fainting and not the same cheerful person that she said she used be; we began chatting and she mentioned to me […]

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Category: Healthy Food
Tag: absorb food, healthy, satisfying and delicious, tasteful and healthy Food

Wasabi flavored Pukara

Jul 02, 2010 Written by admin

Our Wasabi flavored Pukara, is made of a wonderful and exotic ingredient that originated centuries ago in the Middle East: olive oil. The wonders of this component are that not only does it have a heavenly taste but it is amazing for your health as well. Despite of the calories that, according to popular belief, […]

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Category: Healthy Food
Tag: best olive oil, colavita olive oil, evoo oil


Feb 13, 2010 Written by admin

Berries “Research does show that berries are among the fruits highest in antioxidant content and that they are excellent sources of several phytochemicals that seem to help block cancer development.”

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Category: Healthy Food
Tag: cancer development, miracle berry tablets, types of berries