For the love of Saffron

Nov 15, 2009 Written by admin

Please store in cool dry place out of light for lasting freshness. Because of its expense, and intense flavour, very little saffron is required for culinary purposes. It can be crushed to a fine powder in a mortar and pestle. It is easier however, to steep the saffron in hot water— a pinch to a […]

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Category: Freshness
Tag: saffron, Spice

The most expensive spice...

Oct 01, 2009 Written by admin

To say I love Persian Saffron is a huge understatement. When a new shipment arrives, the excitement starts from the moment I open the box. I am greeted with the kiss of an aromatic flavour that suggests numerous culinary possibilities. Have you ever had saffron flavoured rice? If your answer it no, then you haven’t lived. […]

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Category: Expensive Spice in The World
Tag: most expensive food, pure saffron, saffron, saffron price