Today I finally ventured into one of my favourite places the Royal Ontario Museum (favourite now that they’ve hired my daughter, alleviating some of my financial burden by giving her employment).

My daughter is an Executive Finance Minister (the shorter title for her line of work is Cashier) at the Food Studio. Craving some quality time with my baby and needing lunch I decided to manage both in one.

There’s an intoxicating scent of fast food when one is starved, it all smells so good. Despite the lure of the perfectly shaped pizza with cheese, I choose the butternut squash soup one of my favourites.

Sadly it was a disappointment. How could anyone go wrong with butternut squash soup it’s one of the easiest to make? Especially an establishment that charges $2 for an apple? The soup was water thin, tasteless and had no texture. Had they not heard of chicken stock?

As I left the museum I finally found my daughter who directed me to her manager who apologized for the tasteless soup and remedied the matter by offering me replacement macaroni and cheese, which was surprisingly very delicious, which anything would be after the tasteless soup.

The most important part of the trip though was to spend quality time with my daughter. Done.

She can’t clean her room but she goes to work everyday half an hour early to make minimum wage.