So today, I’m writing about the movie “Eat Pray Love” with Julia Roberts.

The movie is based in a book with the same name by Elizabeth Gilbert.  This is the story of a woman who suddenly finds herself lost after her divorce. She decides to go on a trip around the world, and spend a year in three countries to enjoy life: Italy (eat), India (pray), and Indonesia (love)… What a story, huh!?

The three countries are beautiful, but what caught my eye was actually her séjour in Italy. The culinary tour at Italy is definitely the best part for a food lover.  My favorite food moment was the scene filmed at the popular L’Antica Pizzeria Da Michele, in the center of Naples. The author of the book ate pizza napolitana at this place the four months that she spent in Italy.

From the movie, I gathered some thoughts and inspiration…  There is one day in which the Liz decides to stay at home all day, and makes this amazing salad with asparagus, boiled eggs, prosciutto and olive oil. When I was watching that scene I immediately thought on including that salad to my daily menus to add that gourmet touch to my table.

Finally, my favorite pasta was the Spaghetti all’ Amatriciana. It’s just spaghetti and tomato sauce, with some olive oil, chili peppers, onions and pancetta.

This is a simple yet mouth watering dish that I have added to my repertoire.

By the way… Did you know Julia Roberts actually ate everything she was eating in the movie? Foodie and Fabulous!