As a Foodie, I am a Professional Eater. I have stopped fretting about my dress size. It fluctuates from size 2 in the summer, when I’m busy with summer events and walking like mad, to size 6 when I graciously plump up when I’m in “food season” sampling lots of new foods at various events.

The fashion of Alexander McQueen always makes me look fabulous! Among my designer favorites; Gucci, Prada, Stella McCartney, Alexander was in my top ten.

I dream to buy his couture fantasy and feminine pieces. I splurge on his classics; like his pencil skirt done only in a way that defines who Alexander McQueen is, and what he brings to fashion. I feel feminine and protected, ready for anything and everything.

“I try to protect people. A lot of my clothes are hard-edged, even if it is just a simple two-piece suit, like armor.” Stated McQueen

So it is with deep sadness that the Fashion World has lost this talanted designer, one I can count on protect me through “plumpy” sizes with a beautiful shape. He will be missed not only by his muse, but by me.